Problems Launching Icovia

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Problems Launching Icovia

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1.The most common reason for not being able to launch Icovia could be that you have a pop-up blocker enabled in your web browser.

Icovia launches in a new pop-up browser window. Most of today's browsers have pop-up blocking software that may prevent Icovia from launching. Often an information bar will appear at the top of your browser window when it blocks a pop-up. When attempting to launch the Icovia website, click on the information bar and tell it to always allow pop-ups from This will make it easy for you to use Icovia in the future!

2.Another reason could be that you do not have the required Flash Player Plug-in

Icovia is based on Flash technology.  This means that you need the Flash Player (V7 or V8) plug-in in order to use Icovia.  See Flash Player Plug-in section from System Requirements for more information about how to install the latest version of the plug-in.

If you continue to have technical problems even after verifying that you have pop-ups enabled and a valid version of Flash Player installed,  submit a help request ticket by clicking here.

You can also go to anytime to submit a help ticket.