Add Wall Tool

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Add Wall Tool

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Walls are defined using the add wall tool, located in the editor toolbar at the top of the screen.


Walls are defined by two or more points, which can be moved or deleted at any time.

To Add a Wall:

1.Select the add wall tool from the editor toolbar by clicking on it.
2.Select the first point, a banding line follows your cursor indicating the wall orientation.
3.Select the end point for the wall. The wall will appear in your floor plan once you have selected the two end points for the wall.
4.In the middle of the banding line is a text box that gives you dynamic feedback of the length.  Walls will snap to an angle in 45° increments.  You can override this behavior by turning of the Snap Walls 90° command.
5.Once the wall is drawn, you can drag any point to any distance or angle.

Note:  Corner points can be added to a straight small segment by  clicking on them while pressing the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard.