Snap Walls 90°

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Snap Walls 90°

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The Snap Walls 90° option can be accessed through the Snap Settings command of the Edit menu.  Walls snap to an angle of 45° increments when this setting is turned on. When this toggle option is turned on walls will snap to 90° when dragged within a few degrees of vertical or horizontal.

To Snap Walls 90°

1.Select Snap Settings from the Edit menu.
2.This displays the snap settings pop-up which displays the snap options. Select Snap Walls 90° by clicking on the checkbox.



3.Click the OK button. This turns on Snap Walls 90° option. Now the walls will snap to 90° until this option is turned off again.
4.To turn off the Snap Walls 90° option select Snap Settings from the Edit menu  de-select the Snap Walls 90° option in the Snap Settings pop-up, leaving the checkbox blank. Click the OK button. This turns off the Snap Walls 90° option

Note:  There is a tolerance factor that applies to walls based on length, so if you try to drag a very long wall to a 90° angle when you are zoomed way out, the Snap Walls 90° command may not work as expected.  To address this, zoom in closer to the end being rotated.