Editing Users

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Editing Users

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Once a user is added to your account, he/she is displayed in the list of existing users. All the user's details including the user's role can be edited at any time.

To Edit Users

1.Click on the Users tab of the Reporting Tool , or
2.Go to the following URL: http://clientname.icovia.com/reports/users.aspx and replace "clientname" with your company name.
3.Type in your User Name and Password and click on the Login button. This takes you the Users section of the reporting tool. A list of all existing users is displayed.
4.Click on the Edit link for the user you want to edit.


5.This opens the user's account for editing.  Make any necessary changes to the user's information and click on the Update link to save changes to the user's account.


6.Click the Cancel link if you do not want to save updates.