Logging In

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Logging In

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To Log into the real estate edition:

1.Go to http://realestate.icovia.com/
2.Click on the yellow Launch button to launch the space planner.
3.This opens the Icovia Space Planner in a new browser window. The Browse Properties window is displayed over the Space planner when it launches.
Click Continue to browse available properties.
Click Cancel to close the Browse Properties window and go to the space planner.
4.While you can use many of the Space Planner's functions without logging in, you need to log in order to save, print or email a plan. Click on the Login button in the upper right corner of the page to login at any time.
5.This displays the Login box where you can enter your information and login to the application.


6.In Email: Type in the email address you entered while registering for the Icovia Real Estate edition.
7.In Password: Type in the password you chose while registering.
8.Click on the Forgot your password? link if you forgot your password and your password will be emailed to you.
9.Click Login to log in.
10.Click Cancel to cancel logging in.