Adding Architect Accounts

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Adding Architect Accounts

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You can add architect accounts to your space planner to allow other internal users teh ability to create your floor plans.

To Add Architect Accounts:

1.Go to the following URL: and replace "clientname" with your company name.
2.Type in your User Name and Password and click on the Login button. This takes you to the Summary page where you can then select the Users & Leads Tab section of the reporting tool where you can add or edit users.
3.Click on the Add New User button at the top right. This opens a window where you can add a user account.


5.ln Email Address: Type in an email address (username) that the user should use to login.
6.In Password: Type in a password for the user.
7.In User Type: Click on the image58 under User Type to view a drop-down list of available User Types and select "Architect" by clicking on it.
8.Click Submit to add the new architect account to the list of users.