Working With Multiple Architects

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Working With Multiple Architects

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Your planner allows you to enable other staff members as "architects" to create plans for you. If you are working with Professional Architects they not only provide a well-designed plan, they are able to accurately estimate and create floor plans withe precise dimensions. Additionally, splitting the work load among your staff allows you to concentrate on other activities while ensuring more productivity and faster creation of floor plans.

You can add architect accounts to enable multiple architects to create your plans. While you can entrust your architects with the responsibility of creating the floor plans in Icovia, you remain in complete control as Architects can only create new properties/plans and modify their own properties/plans (as long as status has not been changed to published by admin). Architects cannot set property status to published.

Icovia makes it easy to co-ordinate between the architects and the Admin with its Change Property Status feature. The Architect can change the property status from Created to Submitted once the floor plans are ready to be reviewed and published by the admin. The admin can approve the plan to be published or flag a plan that was created that needs revision as "Denied" and the architect can flag it as "submitted" when the changes have been made.