Copying a Plan

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Copying a Plan

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The Copy Plan command is located on the File pull-down menu.   After your plan has developed to a level where you want to create different versions or scenarios, use the Copy Plan command to create a new plan file.  This method provides a good safety net for experimenting with Icovia tools or design possibilities.

To Copy a Plan

2.Select Plan from the file menu and then select Copy Plan from the plan sub-menu.
3.This opens the Save plan as pop up window which prompts you for a name for the copy of the plan. Type in a new name for the copy of the plan you are saving.


3.The copy of the plan will be saved as a new plan with a new name and you can manipulate it like any other plan. You can save the plan, share and delete this plan.

The Copy Plan command does not replace a saved plan under a new name.  Saved plans remain in tact, and a new file is created with the new name given.  So if you save a plan called Bedroom1, then do a Copy Plan and give it the name Bedroom2, your account will have both plans available.  Bedroom2 will look exactly like Bedroom1 did when you invoked the Copy Plan command.