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There are several ways to access zoom commands.

To zoom and pan the view at the same time

Use the Zoom In and Zoom Out tools on the editor toolbar.  These will cause the view to zoom while panning to the selected point.

To simply zoom without panning the view

1.Select Plan and open it in the work area.
2.Then select Zoom In or Zoom Out from the View menu.

To zoom to a level that displays everything in your plan,

1.Select Plan and open it in the work area.
2.Select Fit to View from the View menu, or Fit from the editor toolbar.

Zoom window

This method allows you to define a window in the work area to zoom to.  To use this feature

1.Select the Zoom In tool.
2.Pick one point in the work area.
3.Without removing your finger from the mouse, drag the cursor to another point.  A zoom window will be outlined in transparent orange based on the points you pick.

Zooming to a percentage

You can also Zoom to a percentage of the full scale.  The center of the plan remains the current center, but the zoom level changes, based on the percentage you specify.  To use this feature:

1.Select a value from the list near the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.
2.You can also enter a value by typing in this box.
