Zooming Out

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Zooming Out

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Zooming Out is easy using the various zoom tools that Icovia has to offer. There are several ways you can zoom out.

Using the Zoom Out Command:

You can zoom out using the Zoom Out command of the View menu. Unlike the Zoom Out tool in the editor toolbar, this zooms out from the center of the current view and does not require a screen-pick. It zooms out at small increments.

You can also invoke this command from the keyboard by pressing the [Ctrl][Shift][=] to zoom and center your plan.  Or use [Ctrl][+] combination to just zoom out.

Using the Zoom Out Tool:

Use the Zoom Out tool to zoom and pan (scroll) simultaneously. Click on the image10 tool in the editor toolbar and then click anywhere on the floor plan to zoom out of the floor plan. Your cursor takes on the shape of the zoom out tool to indicate that the zoom out tool has been selected. Click again if you want to zoom out more. You can keep clicking on the floor plan with the zoom out tool until you zoom out to the level you want.

Using the Zoom Percentage:

You can also zoom out by selecting or entering the zoom percentage in zoom % box at the bottom of the screen on the left. Type in or Click on the image11 button to see the zoom percentages available and select how much you want to zoom in.


Using the Zoom Window:

This method allows you to define a window in the work area to zoom out of.  To use this feature, select the Zoom Out tool.  Pick one point in the work area and without removing your finger from the mouse, drag the cursor to another point.  A zoom window will be outlined in transparent orange based on the points you pick.