Add Area Dimension Tool

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Add Area Dimension Tool

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Area dimensions allow you to measure the square footage (or square meters) of an area by defining a shape through a series of clicks. The add area dimension tool is located in the editor toolbar at the top of the screen.


To Set an Area Dimension:

1.Select the add area dimension tool, located in the editor toolbar at the top of the screen.
2.Click once in the work area to set the location of the first point.
3.Then move your cursor and click to set additional points. Dimensions for each segment will appear along with the total area of the shape, which is calculated and updated as additional points are defined.
4.Click the “end” button when you’re finished. The area dimension shape remains in the work area with the edge dimensions and total area value until you delete it.
5.You can add corners (breakpoints) after the area dimension has been drawn.  To do so, hold the <Ctrl> key down while clicking on an edge.  Drag the new corner point to the desired location.

Note:  The edges of an area dimension will snap to an angle in 45° increments if the Snap Walls 90° toggle is turned on.  Turn this option off to place area dimensions with odd-angled edges.

Note: Area dimensions will reflect the current units (metric/imperial)  Changing the current units will update the dimensions and area calculations dynamically.

Note: Area dimensions will reflect the current units (metric/imperial)  Changing the current units will update the dimensions and area calculations dynamically.