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There are times when it is convenient to lock objects in a plan, so they cannot be edited in any way.  An example of this would be when you have a design process in which only furniture changes are desired.  In a case like this you would probably want to prevent edits to walls, floors, text, and dimensions.  The lock-by-type command is very useful in such a situation.  This command is found on the Edit menu.

The Lock Commands available are:

Lock Everything
Lock Icons
Lock Walls
Lock Floors
Lock Text
Lock Line Dims
Lock Area Dims

You will be locking all the objects belonging to the selected type on the plan. You cannot use this command to lock individual objects.

To Access the Lock Commands

1.Select Lock from the Edit Menu.
2.A pop-out sub-menu with all the lock-by-type commands listed will be displayed to the right.
