Add Second Floor

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Add Second Floor

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You can add the floor plans for more than one floor for a property in the Icovia Space Planner.

To Add a second floor to a property

1.Open a saved property using the My Saved Properties window or command.
2.This opens the plan for the property selected in the work area and displays the property name in the top panel.
3.Click on the Plan command in the file menu and then select New Plan from the sub-menu that pops out on the right by clicking on it.


4.Draw a new plan in the work area and then Save plan by clicking on the Save Plan command or clicking on the Save button in the top panel.
5.The system displays a pop-up prompting you to enter a name for the new plan. Type in "Floor 2".


6.This saves the plan as the floor plan for the second floor and you can access this through the floor selection drop down in the top panel.
7.You can add plans for as many floors as you like using this method.