Opening a Saved Property

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Opening a Saved Property

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Once you save a property, you can go back any time and change any of the property's details, change its status, add floor plans for other levels, delete it or change the agent's info etc. A list of the properties created by you is maintained in Icovia and you can choose the property from the list and open it for viewing anytime using the My Saved Properties pull down in the sidebar area, the My Saved Properties command from the file menu or using the Manage Properties window.

To Open a Saved Property from the Manage Properties window

1.Select the property from the list of saved properties in the Manage Properties window by clicking on it.
2.Scroll to the bottom of the window and click on the Open button. This opens the property displays the property name in the top panel and displays the property's floor plan in the work area.


To Open a Saved Property using the Sidebar area

Click here to learn how to open a property from the side bar area.

To Open a property from the File Menu

Click here to learn how to open a property from the file menu.